Ricketts Hadiran CPAC Pikeun Ngobrol Reformasi Pajak Sedengkeun Koalisi lega Nyebatkeun Rencana na Henteu Bakal Ngalereskeun Masalah Nyata

Ricketts Hadiran CPAC Pikeun Ngobrol Reformasi Pajak Sedengkeun Koalisi lega Nyebatkeun Rencana na Henteu Bakal Ngalereskeun Masalah Nyata
"Gubernur Ricketts tiasa nyarios dina penggalangan dana anu hadé sareng konperénsi sayap katuhu ngeunaan reformasi pajeg na tapi parantos janten koalisi kelompok-kelompok mimitian ti Biro Ladang dugi ka Nebraska Corn Growers sareng Greater Nebraska Schools Association are all speaking with one voice that Ricketts’ plan does not meet the needs of our students in public school and property owners. Gov. Ricketts speaks right after the NRA, a corporate gun manufacturing lobby arm, giving them political cover at a time when gun violence remains a critical issue facing Omaha. Voters sent him to Lincoln, our state’s capitol, to meet the needs of Nebraskans and to reform taxes that help families. Instead we got a Governor who flies to baseball games, fundraisers and right-wing conferences leaving the hard work of tax reform to our State Senators, farmers and school superintendents.
Jane Kleeb
Korsi Nebraska Democratic Party

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