
The Life of the Party

Earlier last week, the Nebraska Republican Party voted to endorse the opponent of Rep. Don Bacon. Don Bacon is not a Democrat in any sense of the word, he’s not a moderate,

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Bordering Collapse

Awards season is one of my favorite times of the year. It gives me an excuse to nerd out about the movies and television shows that I’ve spent all year watching, but

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New Year, New NE

I’m not usually one for resolutions. I love the spirit of them but simply suck at following through. The spirit of New Year’s Resolutions rocks though– it’s a self-imposed fresh slate. Whether

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Mimitina éta "Eureun maok!" sareng ayeuna, éta "Eureunkeun nominasi!" Republicans sigana ngan paduli eureun hal, teu sabenerna meunang barang rengse. Sénator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) parantos janten headline

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Ngeunaan Damn Time!

The Republicans boga Speaker, sarta ngaranna Mike Adang! Saatos tilu minggu kareta api umum, GOP tungtungna ngagaduhan lalakina. Éta ngan ukur 21 dinten, 4 Speaker gagal

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Tanggapan NDP ka Speaker DPR anu Kapilih Mike Johnson

Pikeun ngarilis saharita 25 Oktober 2023Kontak: José Flores, Jr., Diréktur Komunikasi(402) 215-1052, jose@nebraskademocrats.org ***Siaran Pers Warta Nebraska Democratic Party pikeun 10-25-2023*** Tanggapan Nebraska Democratic Party pikeun Pamilihan House Speaker Mike

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