2024 Puseur Voting NDP


October 18, 2024 (midnight): Poé kamari ka ngadaptar pikeun milih online

October 25, 2024 (by 6 p.m): Poé pamungkas pikeun ngadaptar pikeun milih nyalira di anjeun kantor pamilihan county


  • NOTE: If you want to vote by mail you must fill out an application — either the form your county sends OR the form we send to you.  You must do this every election in both the primary and the general election.

July 8, 2024: First day that Election offices can accept Vote-by-Mail applications

Sept 30, 2024: First Day that Vote-By-Mail ballots can be sent to you, if you apply to vote by mail after this date they send the ballot to you on a rolling basis–you can always check to see where your ballot is online

Oct 25, 2024: Last Day that Vote-By-Mail applications can be submitted so you can vote by mail for the general election

Be sure to mail your ballot by October 30 – OR- Drop it in your county drop box by November 5.

November 5, 2024: Last day your Vote-By-Mail ballot can be received by your county election office–you can drop it to your kantor pamilihan county by this date or ensure you leave plenty of time if mailing from home or the post office

You can always check the status of your early ballot here (whether it was mailed to you and whether the county election office received it)

You can request a vote by mail application from us


Oct 7, 2024:  Poé Mimiti pikeun milih mimiti, sacara langsung, di anjeun kantor pamilihan county

November 4, 2024: Poé Panungtung pikeun milih mimiti, sacara langsung, di anjeun kantor pamilihan county


Manggih Your Polling Location 

On Election Day (November 5!) polls are open from 8am-8pm Central, 7am-7pm Mountain


Check to see if you are registered to vote

Find your polling place  (where you go on Election Day to vote)

Vote By Mail Application 

How to Return your Ballot Application

Find your County Election office (where you can do the following: register to vote, request to vote by mail, vote early)

Versi Spanyol ngeunaan Formulir Pamilihan


How voter ID will work with voting

The May 14, 2024 election will be the first election to require a photo ID to vote.  Please check with your family, friends, and neighbors to make sure that they have an acceptable form of ID so they can vote.

Acceptable ID

Acceptable forms of photo ID: Nebraska driver's license, Nebraska state ID, Nebraska college ID, Nebraska political subdivision ID, such as an ID from a state, county, city, public school, etc.), hospital, assisted-living or nursing home record, military ID, tribal ID, and U.S. passport. How to get a free ID 

Voters can get a free state ID for voting purposes at your local Nebraska DMV. You need to bring documents confirming your identity (birth certificate) and your address when applying for a state ID. 

If you need a free copy of your Nebraska birth certificate, contact the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Vital Records. 

The Secretary of State’s office updated the Voter ID English and Spanish brochures in November 2023.

For the best print, select “Fit” under Page Sizing and Handling. Select “Print on both sides of paper” and “Flip on short edge.” Under page orientation, select “landscape.” 


Disability Voting Rights

Those with disabilities, whether physical or intellectual, have the right to vote however access can be a challenge.  You have the right to request your ballot by mail and if you choose to vote in person, the polling location, by law, should be ADA accessible. Below are some additional resources:

Living Overseas?

Demokrat di luar negeri ngabantosan Nebraskan hirup di luar negeri. Kéngingkeun sadaya inpormasi anu anjeun peryogikeun pikeun ngajawab di luar negeri didieu.

Military Voters


Served Time?

You can read the most current information on voting rights for formerly incarcerated people here.

Do Democrats Allow Independents to Vote in the Primary? 

Democrats allow Independents to vote in all of our Primary elections. The Republican Party does NOT welcome Independent voters. Just ask for a Democratic ballot when you vote, it is that easy!

We no longer are holding caucuses in our state. So all offices, including the President, will be on your primary ballot.

If you are a registered non-partisan in Nebraska, during the Presidential primaries you can request a Democratic ballot at your polling location on May 14 or when you apply to vote by mail or when you vote early at your county election office. 

For all Congressional offices (U.S. Senate and House of Representatives), if you are a non-partisan voter, you can request a partisan Democratic ballot for these federal races. That is a matter of federal law. We hope you choose the Democrats!

For all other state partisan elections (Governor, PSC, etc.), the Democratic Party allows Independent voters to request a Democratic ballot. The Republicans in Nebraska do NOT welcome non-partisan voters in their primary races.

In Nebraska, we have a non-partisan state Legislature — this means regardless of your party affiliation, you can vote for the person you want to see represent you. The top two vote-getters — regardless of party —  in the Primary go on to the General Election.

NYIEUN RENCANA pikeun milih dina 3 léngkah gampang

There are three ways to register to vote (online, in person and by mail) and three ways to cast your ballot (early at your county election office, by mail or in person at your polling location on election day). We give you the deadlines and further info for each below.

  1. Ngadaptarkeun pikeun milih. You can also change your party affiliation and change your address. Democrats allow Independents to vote in our primary.
  2. Add the election dates  — November 5th (general)— and your lokasi polling to your calendar now. Adding the dates and location to vote will help remind you where and when you need to be on these two critical dates.
  3. Complete your Vote-By-Mail application, if you want to vote by mail, and send the application into your kantor pamilihan countyVoting by mail is easy and secure. Your ballot will be mailed to you.